
10.48pm · 星期日

自从三月头辞职后,就和父母呆在太平的家里了,原本是计算好一个星期后才回去吉隆皮的。就在三月十六日,政府公布我国行动管制从三月十八日至四月二十八日 (原本是计划好四月十四日解封的,由于Coronavirus不断地上升就延迟了)。


今天的今天,打扫了房间后,当然房间看起来比较清洁,人也渐渐地比较清晰,能专注点。这几天也有搞些几项Zoom Sharing的活动。当然有邀请几个不是很成功,有的约好后当天却不见人影,给的理由是刚好客户打来要忙,不到0.5秒就挂电话了,过两个小时再打回去时不接电话了。第一次Online解卦也有点马虎,不过整个过程都走的挺顺利的。再邀约她参与我们的活动也几乎不理人了。

今天的今天,我有一位朋友上来听了,原本打算是说可能他吸收了一些信息。问他后他给我的反馈是老师所讲的这些都几乎很表面,不Om,外面的企业讲座也是类似这样讲怎么搞好生意。他也懂是Preview而已,他就用Trailer描述出来应该再讲一些些用风水怎么改善之类的。我再次解释了又解释,最后也回应了他:“好,谢谢你的反馈,我会告诉我的领导或老师的。” 另一边,告诉领导后这件事(虽然没解释到完),她给我的答复是告诉他只是Preview而已,他期望太高了。接着说,老师讲得很好了,她客户也很满意。当然我也没说什么,只是默默接受以及下次注意。因为两方的立场都是没错的。

今天的今天,我跑来了这里,也不知为什么打扫完后,今天晚上来的感觉特别强,很想在这里发泄。回想起刚刚领导所说的话,我在她感受到的是肯定与相信。不懂为什么,那一瞬间感觉是这么来的。再回想起这几个星期呆在家,觉得是讲而讲,约而约,几乎是没强烈的感觉给对方一个肯定与信心。最后才导致这样吧?要拿起书读时很容易被周围物质干涉到 (还没整理房间时段),专注不了,于是才逼自己动起手整理房间干干净净,杂物放在外。


Keep stuck, Stop ! Argh!

I failed to achieve the goal again. What a day…This two weeks had been kept doing survey and failed and survey and failed. Sometimes I got fed up how hard it is.

I had a very serious discussion with my senior last night. Along the discussion, my senior just told my weaknesses and ask some few questions. I was going to drown on that night. He told me I need to breakthrough the goal. Most importantly is breakthrough myself. There’s a lot need to be learn – I told to myself. “Why XXXXX?” A serious question that affect my future life was. He told me that I need to do a research by myself. Improve my product knowledge. I had to admit, I always kept blindly to follow the instruction and whatever they say. I also having a short chat with my mum. I shared my feeling and yesterday night discussion with my mum. My mum also further explain to me. On that time, I just realize clearly that, my mum not worried what I’m doing right now but worried what I blindly follow. Somehow I felt so down on the bus today and kept rewind about myself.

Well from now on, October! I promise to myself, I had to change my bad habits. I had to breakthrough myself and achieve the goal!


Well, had been so much interviews and finally the company offers me a job! I was like ahhh finally~ Marketing Admin position. Next Tuesday gonna to work soon! And still, need to improve my Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premier Pro as the company needed it. Hopefully I will be happy and enjoy this job for 1 year…Chao!

Practical Photoshop

Well, today I was watching the Photoshop tutorial beginner from Youtube as I wanted to learn how to edit the photo effectively. It tooks half day for me to watch and doing practical Photoshop by my own.

Right now, I was able to change the interface of the photo, set some effects of the panel, add some text and also crop the photos. Also, the tutorial 2 teaches me on how to use the layer masks, lighting effects and using filters on photo.

Long time ago, I did some very simple editing on selfie photo by using very old version Photoshop and the other software called Meitu Xiuxiu since I was studying in Form 1 to Form 3 that time. After that, one of the college Degree called Web-Based Multimedia for Marketing had learn how to use Adobe Flash CS3 Professional which also an old version too. Maybe that’s why it is not so hard for me to learn on Photoshop. It just need some time to familiar the function of the Photoshop and get used to it until professional in editing photo.

August 10

Yep, getting better now! Morning just went for interview.

Afternoon bring my friend went to Melawati Mall and just saw a cat was at the tiang there. There was a few maintenance staffs were at there and the manager was calling for ambulance to save the cat. Hmm, just wondering how’s the “spidercat” went there even though there’s no way went through over the tiang. After that, I brought two pants as I know that I don’t have enough pants in my hostel and yea…before that we just saw a friend who was working at hair saloon. 1 person RM48 for hair cut and wash ! WeW.. I should be know that hair saloon in the mall is quite expensive as the rental fees could be quite high. Meanwhile, I bring my friend to Setapak Sentral. He took his long pants and gave the Parkson staff for cutting.

After came back, I was slept instead. “Miao…Miao….” the ringtone rang. I heard the phone calls, I was wake up from the dreams. Luckily my phone didn’t set in silent mode. The human resource staff called me went for interview on Friday.

Sick and Sick(8月8日)

Damn I shouldn’t eat Thailand food today. Now fall sick and it’s going to fever, feel so cool. Luckily just eat Panadol Soluble and getting sweat on the bed. Feeling well right now. Please faster get well soon tomorrow still got another interview.

PS: GG Redone’s line got problem during my phone interview.

距离的边界 / 理念的一线之差












